If you are still receiving your bank statements in the mail, it might be time to start thinking about going paperless. Not only will this lessen the clutter in your mailbox, but electronic statements come with a variety of other benefits. Let’s take a look at the advantages of going paperless:
No one wants to run into the issue of having their identity stolen. Even if you go through the hassle of shredding every statement you receive, you still run the risk of your information falling into the wrong hands. When you enroll in eStatements, your personal information is more secure compared to paper statements. Not only that, your statements are protected by passwords and multi-factor authentication to add another layer of security.
With online banking, you can access your account information anytime you want, 24/7. You can view your statements the moment they become available, instead of waiting for them to arrive in the mail. You can view your recent transactions, check your balance, and much more. Staying on top of your finances has never been easier.
We all have “that drawer” in our home that just seems to endlessly fill up with assorted mail that, if we are honest with ourselves, we don’t need anymore. But the paper just seems to keep piling up. It can be a hassle to sort through all of your old mail, decide what you need to keep and what you don’t, and then go through the process of shredding certain documents. Signing up for eStatements can help reduce the clutter, and maybe even help you get rid of the junk mail drawer.
All of that paper you are getting in the mail isn’t only bad for clutter in your home, it can be bad for the environment as well. It’s hard to believe that over 69 million tons of paper products are used in the US every year. Choosing eStatements means using less paper, and reducing waste and energy usage. It also reduces emissions associated with paper production!
Keeping track of a stack of paper statements can get challenging after a while, but it’s always nice to have a history of all of your account activity. With online statements, not only can you easily store all of your statements electronically, you can also quickly find and search through recent and older transactions.
If you are ready to go paperless, making the switch is simple. Simply access your online and mobile banking, go to settings, and go to “statement delivery”. There you can change your preference from paper statements, to E-statements. It’s just one small change that can make your banking easier, and safer.