How to make engaging and professional presentations for our Spanish classes

As teachers, we all like to create our own materials to use in the Spanish classroom. To do so, we use our precious free time to search through thousand of resources to create fun, worthwhile educational materials that really work in the classroom, and that achieve our precise academic objectives. But what do we do when we want to teach our Spanish students some grammatical content, or simply some denser material? How can we make the lesson engaging and interesting? How can we ensure that we effectively capture our students' attention? The truth is, it's very possible to make a great presentation, with images and dynamic components that will ensure that, once the presentation is over, the students will have retained the majority of the information. In this best case scenario, students would thus just need some practice in order to process and internalize the information, applying it to the appropiate communicative situations or social contexts.

What tools should I use to make my presentations?

There are many tools to make presentations and it is oftentimes this wide variety that can overwhelm us and lead us to keep using tools we already know, even if they aren’t the best or most adequate for our needs.

With this in mind, we're laying out a brief outline of tools you can use to make lesson presentations for your Spanish classes:

Have you used any of these tools to present content in lessons for your Spanish classes? If so, which would you recommend?

We look forward to hearing your comments!