Hyundai Elantra Service Intervals

2021 Hyundai Elantra Exterior

The Hyundai Elantra is a compact sedan that is more of a mid-size sedan on its interior. It offers a spacious, freeing drive for all passengers. To keep your Elantra free and running wild and energetically, you'll need to keep up with your Hyundai Elantra service intervals. They're displayed nicely in your Elantra service manual (always the most appropriate place to get Elantra info). Our team here wants to share your Hyundai Elantra maintenance schedule in a general way to give you an idea of how easy it is to keep up with these essential service rituals.

7,500-Mile Service

This early period involves preliminary inspections. The team here looks at your AC compressor, air cleaner filter, battery, hose and brake lines, and muffler/exhaust pipe (along with many other components). Replacements at this stage are rare, but if they're needed, you'll find it's usually just the regular maintenance, such as oil change and climate control air filter replacement. Tires might also need to be rotated.

15,000-Mile Service

Your Elantra is a luxurious ride at 15,000 miles. It hits its stride, you're getting comfortable driving it, and you realize how lucky you are for having chosen the Elantra. Only a few inspections are essential at this time. Our certified techs will visually inspect your brake fluid, fuel tank air filter, and parking brake, among other things. A quick inspection can spot early problems and let you cheaply and easily take care of them.

30,000-Mile Service

The Elantra is still going strong, with no need for replacements yet. Our team will inspect fuel hoses and lines and confirm everything is working as expected.

95,000-Mile Service

By 95,000 miles, you've had more than a few adventures in your Elantra. Naturally, a component would now need to be replaced. That component will be your spark plugs. These nifty spark plugs have helped your Elantra engine start for 95,000 miles and counting. Now that there's a new team of spark plugs doing the work, your Elantra can ride off healthy.

120,000-Mile Service

At 120,000 miles, you'll need to have your Elantra's coolant levels checked. It may need replacing at this time. Our team will determine if that's necessary.

Your service manual is the place to be for full-service interval schedules. Our team can also help you if you contact them.